Mon 27 Jan
Merry X - Mas Special AlL dAy ToDaY $ OnLy $ X-MaS SpEcIaL ToDaY $ OnLy $ - 24
(Pittsburgh, New stanton/Delmont/Irwin/Ur Place:))
Get two for one six hours only! Passing through town today, come have fun with two of us - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, pa)
Sun 12 Jan
★*★————_———— ★ Y O U R ★ B E S T ★ K E P T ★ S E C R E T ★ —————_————★*★ - 23
(monroeville/PiTTSBURGH, Pittsburgh)
YoU gOtTa TrY Me! ✖- ╳ -✖- 💜💕💜 S w E e T & J u i C y 💕 P e T i T e 💕 P l A y M a T e 💜💕💜 - 22
(Pittsburgh, MONROEVILLE incall outcall)
📵CauTION 📵2692352364 is A FaKE GirL🚫 ShE is uSiNg My PiCs🚫 - 24 - 24
(Allentown, Harrisburg, Penn State, Philadelphia, PHOENIX, Pittsburgh)
✨💋✨Monday FUNDAY...Start the week with awesome specials!!!💋✨ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Mid mon valley/ Washington)
Sat 11 Jan
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, 10 minutes away)
Sexy Shannon..Here to Please You!!!!!!! Try Me 120 / SPECAILin- outcalls - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Monroeville)
Get ready for Sexual Enhancement in 10 min!!!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, Donetska)
*^*^*Having A Long Week?? Come Relieve Some Stress With a BBW!! You Won't Be Disappointed*^*^* - 28
100% Me 100HH Please Read Ad ((Stunning Petite New Beauty)) Available Now! - 24
(CRAFTON, Pittsburgh)
Wedsdays are great with me! 80$ specials $$$$ - 32
(Pittsburgh, north 28 exit 16 millerstown.sarver)
★*_**wArNiNg DaNgErOuS cUrVeS!!★sWeEt N SeXy cOcO★★MeLt iN yOuR mOuTh★100 SPECIAL - 22
(Pittsburgh, Robinson)
SPECiAlS NOW, Candice is Sugar Coated, sweet, & always Pleasing so you can call me Candy. - 21
(Pittsburgh, South Hills of Pgh Area,)
Fri 10 Jan
ThE bEsT yOu EvEr HaD )** CoMe GeT wAt U dEsErVe ~ BuRnEtT SpEcIaLs - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh & surrounding areas)
** Nothing But Tha Best For Tha Best ** @nd Thats You Baby Call an Come See Me !!... - 22
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree)
=♛ { N__o__T__ H__ ! __ N__G __ ...♛... C__ o__ M __ P __ @ __ R __ 3 __S }♛= - - 23
I AM °YouR* (..1st..) °* CLaSS *° °* TiCKET *° (.to.) °* *° °* SATiSFACTiON - - 19
(Pittsburgh, Incalls Only)
ღ~ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ☆Hef's Best Kept Secret ☆Green Eyed Playmateღ~ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ☆ - 28
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall)
Sunday Special Sneak out and Let's have the Excitement begin :) - 24
(Pittsburgh, Irwin/New Stanton/Ur Place:))
★ SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs & KiNkY ★ tOP NoTCH PrOviDeR ★ - 23
(Robinson Incall/Outcall Everywhere)
Thu 09 Jan
Just arrived I'm a sweet entertainer my name is naughty nicky i can be reached at 701'557'2507 - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh will travel)
Two Girls One Thick Blonde with 46 dds and a Petite Redhead!! 100 an Hour!! - 25
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON)
Bbw sexy thick nice BOOTY about my business $100cum have fun with this mixed beauty...... - 23
(Philadelphia, southwest)
@%@ BEAutiful mixed DD diva 80 SPECIALS @%@%@ (412-918~0139) - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville /incalls only)
special rainy day special rainy day $ special$ *TODAY ONLY* - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place :))
NEW = F L I R T Y = _ _ = LONG LEGS = _ _ = B O M B S H E L L - 24
(Pittsburgh, monroeville/mall area)
❤️❤️❤️First day Asian young girl🎀🎀🎀9172265180💋💋💋 Outcall and Incall - 21
(York, York Incall and outcall)
((34 PreTTy BONE))No RuSh!! ((*HouSe WiFe CoMPaNioN!*) AvaiLaBLe NoW ((SPECIALS)) - 25
Thursday Night Done Right with a Sexy Brunette thats Thin and +igh+! Outcall Onlyn - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Locations)
Elin-Uninhbited SUPERMODEL, PARTY like a ROCKSTAR!!!! Downtown - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Downtown)
Wed 08 Jan
💖—————————————💖 R E A L 💖—————————————💖 B E A U T Y 💖—————————————💖 B A B E 💖————————————— - - 24
SPECIALS!!! ◤◢ = ◤◢ ▓ Blissful Treat ▓ ◤◢ = ◤◢ - 21
💋New SEXxy💋☎☏_ •BLONDE LIMiTeD EDitioN ☎☏••L (o)(o) K 💋💋 Available NOW💋 - 24 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh In & out24HR 🏡🚗☎⌚,)
MoRnInG SeSsIoNs ((( QuALiTy ToP ChOicE ))) RoBiNsOn ToWnShIp ((( NeW HoTTiE ))) - 19
$ 125 $ special TODAY ONLY!!! ur choice 2 beautiful, SEXY GIRLS! here 2 please - 24
(Pittsburgh, PGH SOUTH HILLS)
Toni 36DDDwButt,toned REVIEWS escortmassagebodyglide fetish toy fun clean,not in pgh now - 40
(greentree, Pittsburgh)
(( S )) ____ (( P )) ____ (( E )) ____ (( C )) ____ (( I )) ____ (( A )) _____ (( L )) _____ (( S )) - 27
Pix of Myself When Least Expecting It! Plz Msg Ur Opinion...Your Appetite Matters To Me - 25
(NE of Downtown)
Tue 07 Jan