Mon 17 Feb
Nuru-gfe✨⭕✨⭕new sexy girls✨⭕✨⭕702-419-7648✨⭕✨⭕new feeling✨⭕✨⭕
(Stubenville Pike, Robinson Town Center)
Mon 27 Jan
-SMoKiNg HOT! ♥ ♥ SuPeR SWeeT *Big BOOTY! * ♥ ♥ BLoNdE LeTS PLaY! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Area Incall/Outcalls Everywhere)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T! __((( PETITE )))__ -- ♥- HOT -♥- SEXY -♥- READY!! REAL PIX! - 20
(Pittsburgh, Robinson incall @ my room)
🌟💋 Mixed Ebony TREAT KiLLeR MoUtH. NO RUSH😘🌹 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Steubenville/Robinson mall/incall only)
Sun 12 Jan
LUV TO KISS*❤* ••► LeT ME BE YouR blonde ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ★▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀NO ONE DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME - 22
(Pittsburgh, robinson upscale incall)
Sat 11 Jan
ThIs BlOnDe Is A plEaSE NoT A TeAsE! °36d-26-39 YeS iTs TRuE! ° CuRvY BLoNDe °WeLL ReVieWeD ° - 23
(Pittsburgh, Crafton/Greentree Incall/Outcall 24Hr)
NEW♡♥♡i just want 2 b your PERSONAL TOY.. IM lonely and ready 2 PLAY - 23
(Pittsburgh, robinson incall only)
( N@uGhTY ) ★ °-:¦:-° [ X ] R@TD .... ©uT¡ °★ ... ( 1oO% R@L! )...... HaRd BodY - 22
(Pittsburgh, robinson incall and outcall)
*(¯`'.¸* ___(¯`'.¸* Best Rates in Town ... Best Services ... Check Me Out __ *¸.'´¯)___ *¸.'´¯)* - 31
(Monroeville ($pecial$))
_ _ _*AMAZING RATES*_ _ _ **BLONDE ** Curvy & Thick BiG BOOTY Doll* {{{ 36D-30-44 }}} Reviewed - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
Snowed in my place or yours this evening with a beautiful Italian Calla or exotic duo 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall greentree robinson airpor)
$120 SMOOTHskin/ NoWIGS here. (Dont_Let_Yur_ DATE_Be_A_ FAKE) MEET a Real TRANSEXUAL. - 23
(Pittsburgh, Upscale Robinson Incall $hhhh!!!!)
1 OR 2 GIRL SPECIAL ~100% ~**~ All Night ~ ALL MORNING ~**~ Special ~ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Area Incall/Outcalls)
♥ :*¨¨*: *:. ♥ :: 2 IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN 1 :. ♥ :*¨¨*:*:. ♥ : - 24
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Area Incall/Outcalls Everywhere)
Fri 10 Jan
💕NeW In ToWn💓 Available NOW!🎀💕 SiMPLy AMAZiNG*🎀*1O0% ReaL*HiGHLy ADDiCtiV€! 💓 - 25
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Incall)
Be Mine for this rainy night w the Gorgeous Exotic duo or just one My place or yours Calla4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall greentree robinson airpor)
T3R+ *IM BACK BOYS!* Sexy & Curvy *=B _L _ O_ N_ D _ E- *{Busty, Booty & Hips} 36d-30-44 - 22
(**** 24hr ROBINSON (PiTTS) Incall ****)
•❣• T H E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ ♥ ♡•❣• - 21
★ SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs & KiNkY ★ tOP NoTCH PrOviDeR ★ - 23
(Robinson Incall/Outcall Everywhere)
((( MIXD B@RBI !!)) Sm@LL W@iST !! BuBBL BoOtY !! Com C@RSS MY Body - 22
(Pittsburgh, robinson incall and outcall)
HEY GuYs ★ 80 SPECiALS ☆ Duo/Single ☆° Well Reviewed New Pics ★° - 21
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Incall 24/7 ; Outcall)
ELITE ~*~*~ COMPANION ~*~*~ HARD ~*~*~ BODY ~*~*~ VERY ~*~*~ DISCREET~*~*~ - 22
(Pittsburgh, robinson incall and outcall)
√ 50ss √ 70hh √ 150 hr ⭐⭐ Upscale Incall⭐⭐Blue Eyed ⭐⭐Blonde⭐⭐Curvy Cutie⭐⭐ 567-868-4664 - 29
(Pittsburgh, Robinson near Mall incall only)
Lomi Lomi massage &&& companionship 234 206 0543 - 30
(Pittsburgh, incall robinson OUT CALL after 7pm)
****{BLONDE}* _ *{B(O)(O)BS}* _ _ *{B(O)(O)TY}* _+T E R+ ((AMAZiNG SPECiALS!!)) - 22
"80"Special "FREAKY Gurl (Thick Gurls Do It Better )Baby Blues an Blonde Too Here From The South - 33
Thu 09 Jan
🌟Up all night 100 incall specials all night!😘 New In town 7246206048 - 23
(Crafton, Robinson, incall, out if close, Pittsburgh)
New In Town And I Promise I Can Do My Job Better Then The Rest Specials Name Your Price - 23
❤❤70ss ❤❤90hh ❤❤160hr ❤⭐Incall⭐Upscale Blonde Curvy Beauty⭐ DD chest ⭐Big Booty⭐567-868-4664 - 29
(Pittsburgh, Robinson near Mall incall only)
60 spc ☆Won't Stop Until I Get The Last Drop☆Freaky Ebony Godess ☆ 100% Me 1000% Pl€@suRe - 26
(Pittsburgh, ROBINSON 💋💋 💋 INCALL ONLY)
Massage is included in your escort session 2342060543 - 30
(Pittsburgh, hotel outcall/incall robinson)
CLICK HERE ♡♥♡ 80 specials ... I LOVE making your body TRIMBLE and your knees QUIVER ♥♡♥ - 23
(Pittsburgh, robinson incall only)
SnOwBuNnY SwEeTeR ThAn HoNeY!! ❄️🐇🍯 REAL DEAL BABY!! 🍭Ask about my 2GIRL(Incall ONLY) very discreet!! - 21
(Pittsburgh, Airport INCALL ONLY Near Robinson ASK ME)
Wed 08 Jan
Spend this beautiful evening with a beautiful Italian,My place or yours Calla 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall greentree robinson airpor)
MoRnInG SeSsIoNs ((( QuALiTy ToP ChOicE ))) RoBiNsOn ToWnShIp ((( NeW HoTTiE ))) - 19
- *HiGh DeMaNd H0TTiE! _________ BLoNde LoVeRs #1 PiCk!!** AVAiLABLE NoW* - 23
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Area Incall/Outcalls Everywhere)
☆★ ✄--- CUT Out The FAKES✄ --- 100% REAL ✄ NEW PIC ★ ☆ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Incall 24Hrs7Days)
√60ss√ √90hh√ 160 hr ⭐New Pics!⭐⭐ Upscale Incall⭐⭐Blue Eyed ⭐⭐Blonde⭐⭐Curvy Cutie⭐⭐ 567-868-4664 - 29
(Pittsburgh, Robinson • Crafton• area upscale incall)
.100 SPECIALS!! *Fr3aKy* ThiCk & SeXy 36D-30-44 B L O N D E!! ReViEwEd!! ** BiG BoOTy! - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
Tue 07 Jan
N€W CALIFORNIA DREAM GIRL★█ ___█ █ █ UPSCALE♡♥ ❶st CHOICE ♥♡♥█ ★█ ___█ █ - 25
(Pittsburgh, airport incall/outcall Robinson)
+ *IM BACK BOYS!* Sexy & Curvy *=B _L _ O_ N_ D _ E- *{Busty, Booty & Hips} 36d-30-44 - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
Be Mine for this Sat night.Party w gorgeous exotic duo or just one My place or yours Calla4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall greentree robinson airpor)
❤ 💋[[ NEW IN TOWN]] 💋❤—————💋 ❤💋[[ PLEASE BE GENTLE]] 💢❤💢—————💢AVAILNow - 23
(Pittsburgh, ROBINSON incall)
!!!!!!!!!!! LATE NIGHT ~~ HIGHLY REVIEWED - #196212# ~~ All Natural Girl Next Door !!!!!!!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, •-:¦:-• Robinson Incall Baby •-:¦:-•)
° °;° ° {Lap Dance Anyone?!} :*¨*: {DREAMTEAM DUO } :* ¨* : {UPALLNIGHT}: *¨:$PECIALS - 23
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Incall/Outcall All Night)
Mon 06 Jan
DONT KEEP ☝Her! ☟Or Her cuase she cheepER☏ Call Heaven!! ✰ I cAn take YOU There - 20
(Pittsburgh, outcall anywhere INCALL ROBINSON)
Ebony L♥vers' #1 Pick ⎷ ⎛ F L A W L E s S ☆ . * ☆ . BeAuTy - 21
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Area Incall/Outcalls Everywhere)
CURVY ** BBW ** Cortibleu Waiting on you....So Call me!!!! Specials TIL TUESDAY - 99
(Pittsburgh, Greentree,Robinson,Monro..INCALL/outcall)
SeXXXy Italian Vixxen Just 4 u (412)867*1530 Busty, Beautiful ,Classy & Oh So Sweet - 26
(Near Rte.65 279N 79N)
LAST DAY!! **LOW $pEciALs** Sexy & Curvy B L O N D E* 36D-30-44 * BiG B(O)(O)TY! ++++ - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
%% Im so Ready To Pleasure You however you want it%%%% Exotic Mixed Black and Asian Beauty - 23
(Robinson Incall)
Sun 05 Jan
FREAKY & SEXY B L O N D E!! ** 36D-30-44 **Curvy & Busty Doll** Reviewed! LOW SPECIALS - 22
(**** 24hr ROBINSON (PiTTS) Incall ****)
FREAKY & SEXY B L O N D E!! ** 36D-30-44 **Curvy & Busty Doll** T.E.R Reviewed! 100 SPECIAL!! - 22
(**** 24hr ROBINSON (PiTTS) Incall ****)
Fr3AKy!! --> SuPeR SeXy *_____ *ExTra ThicK* ___ 36D-30-44 BuStY & BoOTiFuL BLONDE!!! - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
Sat 04 Jan
Wow they're huge 40 DDD all natural unbelieveable Juicy WATERMELONS - 21
(Airport/Robinson Incall/Outcall)
young smoking hot🔥👄 n ready to rub u down, professional experience 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 20
(Crafton Robinson area INCALL ONLY, Pittsburgh)
* Up LaTe! *___ TaKe A PeEk @ ThiS ★___NeW CuTie___ ★ AmAZiNg XxX-SkiLLs __* #1 Eb0Ny! * - 22
(★::Robins0n/Airp0rt Area::★)
★ PuRe Pl€asuRe ★ With a SEXY Ebony Vixen ★ It Is * NOW * PlaYtime 60 spc - 26
★: ▅ ▆ ▇ :★: KӜKE* EBONY BUTTERFLY ♥M0st 3x3clusive !!! 100% REAL!! :★: ▇ ▆ ▅ :★:* - 23
(Pittsburgh, Crafton/robinson incall)
Fri 03 Jan
SpAnKaBlE -:¦:- CuRvY -:¦:- BuStY -:¦:- BlOnDe -:¦:-! Well Reviewed - 23
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Area Incall/Outcalls Everywhere)