Mon 27 Jan
♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] ♡♥♡ SeDuCTiVe TrEaT :¦:•A REAL FaNtaSy!!——2— - 24
💖💋💖💋SHAY💖💖 Beautiful💖Nice Curvy Body💖Best Pleasure You Will Ever Have(Out CallsOnly)💖💖 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh- Outcalls only)
(= SeXy BLONDE CURVY BaRbiE =) ( =LAST NiTE $pEciALs=) (= G* F* E* =) 80/20 100/30 - 22
(24hr Pittsburgh (Near Airport) IN ***)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION ×X× *¨¨*IS*¨¨*. MY ×× *¨¨* BEST. *¨¨* QUALITY! ×X× *¨¨ 100 Special - 24
(Pittsburgh In/Out 24/7)
***NADIA*** PETITE, BUSTY, BLONDE! available now! cash/credit 100% real pictures 100%ME guaranteed! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh(hour radius))
___ LiMiTeD TiMe! ♥ :StUnNiNg : Southern DoLL **sOfT cUrVeS** {PERFECT B(o)(o)TY!} ((24HRS)) - 26
(Pittsburgh, [--- MONROEVILLE --])
Monroeville morning specials book now here today only!!! dont miss out - 23
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)
♥♥ ♥ 【ⓞh Sⓞ TeMpT!nG】 【RⓔAÐ¥ 2 PLA ¥】~ (Sweet Soft)(Vanilla Treat) ~ 60BAD WEATHER SpeCiaLs 2day - 25
(Pittsburgh, new kensington tarentum harmarville)
█ I PROMISE u wont forget this .. catch me while u can! ;) █ Leaving Tmrw - 21
(Robinson Incalls 24hrs)
💞Heidi! Blonde, busty, and petite! Ready now! Cash/credit! 💞 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry, Monroeville, Washington)
👉HERE!👈🌺🌺🌺exotic BLASIAN🌺🌺🌺 Carmann, thick, long hair, long legs💯 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh-east >may travel$$$<)
Mon 13 Jan
Late nite specials to jump start your wkend spend it with the sexy italian princess 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Airport/Robinson/green tree/monroeville)
LATE LATE NITE SPECIALS !! Sexy Italian Princess Giuliana all natural 36d real pics 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, near pgh/monroeville in harmarville)
Sun 12 Jan
1000 % ReaL GiRL 1000 % Sexy PiCS 100 % iNDePeNDeNT - 21
((* Summertime Specials*女)
LOOK ••► *•-:¦:-•* SeXXy Seductive BRUNETTE* ★ * :¦:-•* Stunning and Amazing! Out Call SpECIALSCALL! - 25
(Pittsburgh, 20 min from downtown)
Ms. good and bad. Yes she is good yes my ass is bad so call me now if you wanna tag...... - 20
*¨¨*:: __*ViSiTiNG* ____ ×°°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWTNSS _×°°× ____ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __::*¨¨* - 23
~ *SwEet* ~~ *SeXy* ~~*SaSsY* ~~*N*~~ *ClAsSy*~~ INCALL)OUTCALL ! - 26
(eastside pitts-monroeville, Pittsburgh)
*:©:* ExTrEmELy ©:* AddIcTiVe *:©:* BLoNde *::*HoTTiE !!!*:© - 21
(Pittsburgh In & Out Calls)
____STEAMY______💋 OUTCALL💋_______ Sweet_______ 💕 READY TO PLEASE YOU 💕_______ - 21
(pgh OUTCall all surrounding areas, Pittsburgh)
NEW! World FAMOUS HBO Super Hooker & Living Legend Of The Game Is Here! 80RR-28-48 Big Busty Nessa
(Airport Area)
Sat 11 Jan
❤️IVY❤️ 36DDD natural red head! 💰💋💳. Awake til 6am - 24
(Downtown, Washington, airport, cranberry, Pittsburgh)
💖💗HEIDI💗💖 Blonde hair, blue eyes 36DD. Real photos available now! 💰/ 💳 - 24
(Downtown, Washington, cranberry, airport, Pittsburgh)
******Vivacious *** Curves******* in/out calls pittsburgh washington - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh washington and surounding)
Want to get away from your hectic stressful life for a minute? treat yourself to me! - 22
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)
TGIF night party at my place or urs w pghs finest exotic brunette Riley avail now 4122289699 - 25
(Pittsburgh, in/outcall pgh Oakland grntree Robinson)
° *o° ☆o° *° I KNOW WHAT A MAN WANTS ° *o° ☆o° *° 100 Special - 24
(Pittsburgh in/out 24/7)
New Green Eyed Beauty 😍💖💚💖 Kinky Sweet & Fun💚💖💚 Sensual Seduction😍💛 your dream come true - 26
(Pittsburgh, north Braddock swissvale)
o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } - - 23
(Pittsburgh, All the Pittsburgh Areas OutCall/InCalls)
N--e--W-*Be AuTiFuL >* ExOtic HOT R_ I_C_A_N PLaY m aTe - 22
*iNDEPENDENT*OUTCAll for A DESIREABlE & Playful time W/A Sensual, EX0TiC, Captivating 100%REAL Woman - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh Outcalls)
*!*((ALL NeW))*!* De£iCiOuS & SiNfu£ :: || BRuNeTTE || :: BuStY BaBE *!*(( $100 SpECiAL ))*!*
♥ IM ** eXaCtLy ** WhAt ** YoU ** nEeD ♥ IM BacK - 23
(incall only(( come see me)))
★.•*¨ ¨*•- :☆ I.. KN◯W.. JUST.. H◯W.. T◯... MAKє ... Y◯U.. SMϊLє! ★.•*¨ ¨*•- - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
·.¸¸.·´¯♥ ·. * ( ( BOoB-a-liCioUs ) ) * ( ( CuRVy ) ) * ( ( BRuNEttE ) ) * (( NoW AVAILABLE))
♥ {GoRgEoUs *TAN* bLoNdE!!!} ___ *EXoTiC *SUNSHiNE!!!* __*LaSt cHaNcE!!!* ♥ - 25
(Pittsburgh, [[__MONROEVILLE__]])