Fri 10 Jan
UnBeLiEvAbLe SPECIALS ♥ ×X× UltiMATE ×X× ♥ SPECIALS! ! - 24
((greentree) uNbELiEvaBlE sPeCiAlS 2DaY)
The Real Deal*New Booty $pecials ~Visiting~ Sat La$t Day ~I Bet $he Cant Do It Like Me Papi. . . - 24
Tired Of Fake Pic's, Overpriced, Rude, Clock Watching, Ugly Chicks? What You See Is What You Get! - 18
~*tHe BeAuTiFuL MiSs MiA*~ rEaDii Or NoT PiTtSbUrGh HeRe i CoMe AnD iF uR LuCkY yOu WiLL tOo!!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Crafton-Pittsburgh)
The New French Canadian Doll 🍒 New In Town🍒 I Love To Kiss🍒 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry 🌟treatment Incalls&Outcalls;)
tall▬★ CLASSY*GIRL ★ ▬ ★ WITH ★▬▬▬▬ ★NASTY★ ▬▬ ★ THOUGHTS ▬▬▬▬★ - FETIShes WELCOME. - 28
♡💫👅💦❌ The Fantasy Ride 💦👅💫 ❌ T0P N0TCH 🅿LEASER❌"👅💦💫 🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹↯ⓚⓘⓣⓣⓨ SWEET& jUiCY!♡New! - 22
The Hαρριεst Plαcε on Earth...100% Me 1000% Ready... WaitinG For You..... - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Green Tree,Area)
🍎🍏Oh so supersoft~☆~Apple Bottom Yum!!!🍎🍏Duo Specials! - 32
(Irwin-Monroeville IN AND OUT, Pittsburgh)
** Nothing But Tha Best For Tha Best ** @nd Thats You Baby Call an Come See Me !!... - 22
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree)
NeW iN tOwN***TORY*** ThIcK vAnIlLa SwEeT tReAt - 24
(Pittsburgh, mckeesport north versailles duquesne)
*¨¨* NEW *¨¨* EXOTIC *¨¨* PETITE *¨¨* PLAYMATE *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* GUARANTEED - 20
(Pittsburgh, OUTCALLS)
NEW PiX} ? ? ?. . .NeeD a . . .F/i/X ? ? ? ?? ? DiAL mY DigiTS. .. .. * * * * * * ** * - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
It's not a Beauty Contest It's a Duty Contest and I 'm a Contender in BOTH - 28
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/ monroeville)
Hot Sexy Blonde With 40DDs Pregnant * And Glowing Special 330 - 604- 5799 - 23
(Pittsburgh/Green Tree)
Im a very freaky girl dont bring me to moma just turn this ass around in the back seat of the hummer - 24
I * aM tHe GiRl *aLL GuYs* WaNt AnD I * Got -* ExXxactly * What* You*NeEd - 25
*★ HUGE KISSABLE perky Spanish DDtits(o)(o) satisfying incalls special* *; :★~* - - 22
(Upscale incall Monroeville)
BIG BOOTY BBW W/BIG BOOBS! call me for your ultimate pleasure!!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry Incall & Outcall 24 Hours)
ApPlE bOtToM♥♥♥ {INCALL ONLY} Sweet soft vanilla treat75special~ - 25
(Pittsburgh, duquesne north versailles white oak)
Aliquippa Incall! @$Beautiful😗❤💋luscious blonde 😍💞LET ME TAKE UAWAY 👄👅 - 29
(Aliquippa,Beaver county, Pittsburgh)
Were up late all night incall/outcall specials w the exotic Italian beauty Calla duos!! 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, nhills oakland airport and grntree)
^^^Statuesque Black Barbie ^^^ 24/7 @dult film star Great N@ughty personality lets PLAY - 23
(Airport (incall-outcall))
Start your weekend off right! Complete relaxation is just a phone call away! - 30
(Pittsburgh, Near Monroeville)
SpeCiAlS!! HEY GuyS! ItS CAllI SeDuCtiVe PetItE fUn lAiD BaCk discrete! - 25
(new stanton, Pittsburgh)
Starlets Girls Are Waiting For YOUR Call. Let Us Give You A Night To Remember! - 22
(Pittsburgh, PA)
☆ ·*LuScIoUs LeAnA ☆*_a VeRy PlEaSiNg THuRsDaY*_ eVeNiNg❥—»DoN't MiSs Me!! $100 S P E C I A L - 22
(Pittsburgh, (airport area))
i am available PLAYING all dayvand NIGHT let me PLEASUREyou today!!!! - 36
(Pittsburgh, East Pittsburgh)
Friday Special!! *¨*Giuliana all natural 38d exotic Italian beauty avail now 724 493 3358¨* - 24
(Pittsburgh, north 28/near pgh +monroeville)
Gabrielle one of pittsburghs most beautiful girls available every night til 6am! outcall only - 22
(Pittsburgh pa)
Devin, tall exotic dark haired beauty with amazing long legs and perfect body.7244933358 - 24
(Pittsburgh, north 28/near pgh +monroeville)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,cLaSSy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ **....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 25
(pittsburgh& surrounding)
$40 UnCeNSoReD SPECTACULAR Special w / *I N F A M O U S* 46 EEE's !!! - 21
(Robinson (ForTy $p3ciaL))
$80 wilmerding incall specials! 1_0_0 _% R_E_A_L★_Sexy KINKY blonde near Monroeville - 27
(Pittsburgh, outcalls Pittsburgh and surrounding area)
$40 UnCeNSoReD SPECTACULAR Special w / *I N F A M O U S* 46 EEE's !!! - 21
(Monroeville (40 $p3ciaL))
★10,000% me _____ ReD - hAiR - bLuE - eYeS _____ GREAT REVIEWS -- & -- BACK in TOWN ___ - 26
(Pittsburgh, (( -- CRANBERRY -- )))
*5* Experience With Busty Bruenette Exotic / Erotic No Body Does It Better - 27
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry Stop By)