Sat 11 Jan
TGIF Spend it w one of us or all 3!! Devon tall thin model or Brooke Brazillian goddess 412 9794867 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Airport greentree)
★Special★Hot Busty Redheaded Irish Beauty's Bday Celebration! Late Tonight- Thursday - 27
(Pittsburgh, Clean Safe Candle Lit Incall 2/19-21)
► STEELERS GIRL !!! Let me the fun after the game !! CALL NOW!!! 120kiss special!! - 21
Sunday late night specials w sexy the Italian princess Calla or exotic duo 412 327 3353in/outcall - 24
(Pittsburgh, in/outcall robinson grntree monroeville)
*► ♥ ¡!¡SPECIALS¡!¡ »-(¯`v´¯) »- **¡!¡ JUST FOR YOU DADDY!¡!** __ »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 24
(east carnegie//green tree)
Starlet's has the most Beautiful girls in Pittsburgh just waiting to meet you and have fun - 22
(Pittsburgh, PA)
MEG = ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄☆•_T H €_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C € ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ We Can EXPLORE YouR FANTASIES! - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA - OUTCALL)
******* LooK WHoS BaCK ******** ONLY HeRe FoR 1 DaY ***** So DoNT MISS OUT - 23
(monroeville INCALL only)
Happy Easter friends ! 100% real, classy, and professional. 24hrs a day. My friend Dominic in town. - 28
(Pittsburgh, Butler)
Gabrielle sexy Italian princess waiting to come see you!! avail 24 hrs!4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pa)
☆• — —H O T ——•☆• — ♥ 80 I N C A L L S — •☆• ——T O D A Y ——☆• - 23
(Pittsburgh, Harmarville Incalls & Outcalls 24 Hrs)
°°[= DANGEROUSLY =]°° the BaDdesT, HoTtest, SeXxiesT °°[= DOMINICAN =]°° B@cK iN tOwN D@dDy - 24
Cαrεss, Glιdε & Squεεzε Your Wαy ιnto The Hαρριεst Plαcε on Earth... :) - 22
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree,Area)
Early weekend special *¨* Giuliana,Sexy Italian beauty all nat 38d,and beautiful face 4129794931 - 24
(Pittsburgh, north 28/close 2 pgh n monroeville)
BaCk By PoPuLaR dEmAnD ** HeRe FoR 2 DaYs OnLy ** ReAdY fOr a FuN TiMe * AsK AbOuT mY SPECIAL ** - 22
☆Are you ready for the experience of a lifetime? ☆Seductive Isabella☆Sunday incall specials!! - 23
$60 SpEcIaLs ☆ LaSt NiGhT ☆ $60 SpEcIaLs ☆ A+ qUaLiTy SeRvIcE!! - 22
♥ {GoRgEoUs *TAN* bLoNdE!!!} ___ *EXoTiC *SUNSHiNE!!!* __*I'm BaCk BoYs!* ♥ - 25
(Pittsburgh, [[__MONROEVILLE__]])
Afternoon sunday funday w the exotic all all american beauty calla 36d 4124172668 myplace or yours?? - 24
(Pittsburgh, In or outcalls nhills, 28 n,Pgh,grn tree)
120 outcall specials! 1_0_0 _% R_E_A_L★_Sexy KINKY blonde near Monroeville - 28
(Pittsburgh, my home or yours)
Adult Video Star! {SKYY BLACK} AVAILABLE NOW! Pittsburgh! Call Now! Yes It Is Really Me! - 26
💢🌟💢🌟💢🌟 100% real -HOT Stripper!! 💢🌟💢🌟💢🌟 Beautiful BRUNETTE Barbie 💢🌟💢🌟💢🌟 FUN Size - THICK 💢🌟💢🌟 - 24
(North shorreeee, Pittsburgh)
100% Real And Ready (.)(.) Babe Available For Your Pleasure. (((CALL NOW))) - 69
(Pittsburgh, ______Monroeville Upscale Incall______)
2 BiSexual Freaks Here To Please You ☆ PARIS is back and brought her FRIEND!!! SPECIALS!! - 22
_____ Very Sexy & Very Sweet _______ - 24
(*, Allentown, Altoona, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Pittsburgh)
2 girl specials with Ray Lynn, the blonde girl next door you wished you lived next too 412 9794931 - 21
(Pittsburgh, on rt 28 near pgh and monroeville)
❤️ 💋🎈$100 special today Only extended one last day 4126099464 🎈💋❤️ - 25
(Pittsburgh, ❤️ Greentree/InCall ONLY❤️)
the CALIFORNIA (APPLE) is ready now still in town ....READ ADD FIRST - 24
(green tree area)
I got That GOOD GOOD!!! ♥♥ SMOKING ♥♥ ♥ ♥ HOT ♥♥ ♥♥ JAZZ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 70special - 22
(Crafton incall, Pittsburgh)
Im NeW tO MoNrOeViLlE fIrStTiMe HeRe OnLy StAyInG lImItEd TiMe sO DoNt MiSs oUt On ThE bEsT - 24
(MoNrOeViLlE @Re@)
I'm Bella, Like my pictures? Let's have some hot sexy fun, You'll be very HAPPY, I'm Eager to Please - 25
(Pittsburgh, Incall Only, Private Apt in Butler PA)
♥ HOT AND SPICY - All the ASIAN heat you can handle! When you're ready for a girl gone wild! - 22
((»-(¯`v´¯)-» Summer Specials »))
!!!!!!WaRnIng dANgErIoUs CUrVeS aHeAd!! sWeEt N sExY bLonde BoMbShElL!!$100 SPECIAL - 23
(Pittsburgh, ccrafton (off 60))
weekend special *¨* Giuliana,Sexy Italian beauty all nat 38d,and beautiful face 4129794931 - 24
(Pittsburgh, north 28/close 2 pgh n monroeville)
(VISTING )come see the 2 sexi ladies together ...200 special!!! 5 star rated - 32
(Pittsburgh, greentree/pitts)
=[]= ßußßLe =[]= █ =[]= ßuTT =[]= █ =[]= ßLONDE =[]= OpeNMiNdeD =[]= - 19
:¦: -£ÕV£Y .- :¦:- XÕIC .-:¦:-. BUSTY GoDDeSS-:¦:- AVA!LABL!! HOUR SPECIAL! - 19
(Pittsburgh / Green Tree)
★*_**wArNiNg DaNgErOuS cUrVeS!!★sWeEt N SeXy cOcO★★MeLt iN yOuR mOuTh★100 SPECIAL - 22
(Pittsburgh, Robinson)
WE NEED LOVE... will you be the one? Come make OUR night ($99.00/hr SpEciAL) - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA)
✨💋💕 Come relax and enjoy... I have a magical touch and super specials 💕💋✨ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Mid Mon Valley / any where)
Come get chocolate waisted... With Az finnest!!! - 19
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh &&surrounding; I.c ONLY)
caution !slippery and ready ! warning! highly addictive can cause divorce and lose of homelife. - 25
🌺🍀🌺🍀🌺🍀 Biggest ASS ASS ASS in town HANSDOWN!! 🌺🍀🌺🍀 46 EEE BALLOONS 🌺🍀 Upscale Men ONLY 🌺🍀🌺🍀 FAT WARM & JUICY - 36
(Philadelphia, 🌺🍀🌺🍀 Stadiums/ 773-440-5126)
P_ R_e_ T__T_Y *+* B__L__o__N _D__E **+** ( $100 ) *+* *+** I-N-C_ a_L_L *+* S_ P__E__C _I__A__L__S - 21
(Pittsburgh, Crafton Incall/Outcall 24HOURS)
Miss Nomi.. ..Tall Black and Brazilian Sex Goddess.. ...Come see what what all the fuss is about - 21
2 for the price of 1😙😘 anytime INCALL only WE HOST 👭🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 18
(Aliquippa,Beaver county,pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
100% REAL!!! QV specials!! Call for a good time ;) - 28
(Clairton, Elizabeth, Glassport, etc area, Pittsburgh)
Fri 10 Jan