Sat 22 Feb
❎⛔best massage💋♥️ ❤️☎️412-609-2225☎️❤️new young girl🧿❤️asia's best massage🧿❤️best service & sweet smile🧿❤️relax body and mind🧿❤️clean room🧿❤️✅❤️
(Pittsburgh, US)
Mon 27 Jan
💄👄 Sneak away & Come play❗❗💖 Thick thighs 💖 Beautiful Eyes👄 Let me be your sexy secret💄 🔐 - 28
(Pittsburgh, 👄 New Stanton Greensburg👄)
Snowy Day Come inside & heat up :) Much needed *ADULT* Time :) - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place Home/Hotel :))
Saturday --- Unrushed, Teaseing, Fun, Play full & plenty MORE !! Incall/Outcalls - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Delmont/Ur Place :))
💕🌌Seductive & Juicy💕🌌 Waiting to have fun with you!!*💜Sexy Curves💕Soft & Sweet🌌💞💋 - 28
(Pittsburgh, 💋New Stanton💋 Greensburg)
Sexy** BBW** Layla** Working Man Special*** incall special** - 30
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ exit 75. incalls only)
💋Sexy & Seductive💜 Tight & Sweet💞 My bedroom skills just cant be Beat💋 - 30
(Pittsburgh, 💋New stanton💋)
Need some Attention and Relaxation?? I have what you need!!! Call Now !!!! Available All Night!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton, Pa)
Much *Needed* Adult Time :) Unrushed, Fun, Play Full, Open Minded & MORE! Well Reviewd - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place home/hotel:))
New in Town...Sexy an Talented...Blonde Milf... INCALL ONLY 100hh 150hr - - 38
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton off I 70)
Merry X - Mas Special AlL dAy ToDaY $ OnLy $ X-MaS SpEcIaL ToDaY $ OnLy $ - 24
(Pittsburgh, New stanton/Delmont/Irwin/Ur Place:))
Much Needed *ADULT* Time :) When im done u wont want 2 leave ! I work 7 day wk/24-7 - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place Home/Hotel:))
Monday again? come c me!! Unrushed * Fun * Flat Rate * & MORE ! - 25
(Pittsburgh, New stanton/ur place)
**Man's Bestfriend** Can I Be Yours*** Layla*** incalls only - 30
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ exit 75. incalls only)
M_A_d_E__ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_ U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! - 22
(Pittsburgh, # New Stanton # in call SpeCiaLs)
~~~Wednesday Early Morning to Late Evening ~~~ Rates from $100 - 250 ~814 233 5123
(New Stanton INCALL ONLY)
~~~~` Hot -N- Heavy ~~~~ all about YOU !!!! Unrushed * Play Ful * Teaseing & MORE - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ UR Place :))
Hi Guys , I'm a Sexy, Busty, and Beautiful ..!! BBW (( great specials ) - 28
(Pittsburgh, new stanton)
Mon 13 Jan
Super Friday Fun Day! Let's Play & also feel relaxed at the same time..... ** Unrushed ** - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Irwin/Delmont/Ur Place:))
SPECIAL == thirsty thursday Unrushed & Fun SPECIAL== Unrushed & Relaxing - 23
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place)
LATTINA GRIL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU NEED all working man ,$100 all day from stlouis - 28
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON)
💜I Do iT ThE BEST ⭐5 StAr KnOcKoUt!⭐⭐ToP NoTcH SkiLLs!💋 SuPeR SeXy HeAd 2 ToE!⭐CaLL Me - 26
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton C..U..M.. To Me)
!!!! I got the Goodies !!! 2 girl special ! (( New Stanton )) - 23
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton(100)specials)
I Provide an all about YOU Experience... wat's on ur Mind.. I'm very Open Minded & Unrushed:) - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Irwin/ Delmont/Ur Place:))
Sun 12 Jan
☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot!! ♥ Ebony ρℓαγmαtε 💎 🍹�👑👇★ - - 20
(Pittsburgh, New stanton~ incalls only)
Kissing ~ Cuddling ~ Unrushed ~ NO Drama/Pimp/Drugs === Lynn - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place)
Last DAY in Town!! Its layla back two CALIFORNIA !!But dreams come true today ! - 30
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON pa)
IT;PLAY TIME PLAY BOYS come play whit me&relaxs; your mind wind latia so hot more - 28
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON)
It's Monday:( well Make ur Appointment & I will make ur Monday the best 1 you will ever have:) - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Delmont/Irwin/Ur Place:))
❌ ©u®vY EboNy❗ €XTR€M€L¥ ADDiCTiVE 💯% REAL & 💯% S€X¥ 💋 - 20
(Pittsburgh, 🏩 New Stanton Incall only 🏩)
WhY NoT GiVe YoUrSeLf A ChRiStMaS GiFt ThAt CaN KeEp On GiViNg... - 27
(Pittsburgh, NeW StAnToN InCaLl/outcalls)
Wanna play on the 2 way street with me? unrushed * Open Minded * Well Reviewd - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place Home/Hotel:))
Wed. Special * TODAY ONLY * Special *TODAY ONLY * unrushed, Fun, - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Delmont/Irwin/?ur Place:))
Unrushed, Fun, Exciting Come see me I got a surprise for you! :) an I will put a SMILE on ur Face - 24
(Pittsburgh, Irwin/New Stanton/Delmont /ur place:))
The Best Of New Stanton! In call Special*** La La $100 all day (latina hottie) - 29
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton- incalls only)
***Rainy Tuesday*** Layla**** incalls only. specials all day long - 30
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ exit 75. incalls only)
Lynn's * NEW * Pic's Open Minded * PLay * Kiss * Cuddling * NEW * Pic's - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place:))
Sat 11 Jan
TrY SoMeThInG ExQuIsIt! LeT YoUr ExPiErIeNcE Be ThE OnE To ReMeMbEr!!!! - 27
(Pittsburgh, NeW StAnToN InCaLL/OutCaLL)
Tuesday 1-22-13 * Special * >Today ONLYToday ONLY < - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur Place Home/Hotel:))
I'm here 4 YOU!! I DO wat ur wife WON'T Fun - Teaseing - Play ful & plenty MORE .. 724-217-2190. - 24
(Pittsburgh, Delmont/New Stanton/Irwin/Ur Place:))
I do wat YOUR other half DON'T do....... Fun * teaseing * Relaxing & plenty MORE !! - 24
(Pittsburgh, new stanton/delmont/ur place :))
Super Friday Sneak away and Let's play:) Incall/Outcall - 24
(Pittsburgh, Irwin/Delmont/New Stanton/Ur Place:))
❤❤ * * T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * *💋❤❤ ❤❤ LAYLA - 30
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ exit 75. incalls only)
★—•*°ThE ★—•*° bEsT★—•*° FiNaLlY★—•*° aRRiVeD★★— ComE & GeT iT ♥♥♥ •*¨*• - - 20
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON~incalls only)
Sunday Funday 👑💦MaGik M👅uth💦👑 Exx🅾tic Spℹ️nner 120HH💲Pecial ✔️CLICK HERE❗️✔️ - 21
(New Stanton Incalls, Pittsburgh)
Start ur wkend off with me... Im ur girl for the time being :) Pleasing, Teasing & MORE! - 25
(Pittsburgh, new stanton/ur place)