Mon 27 Jan
^^^Statuesque Black Barbie ^^^ 24/7 Great N@ughty personality lets PLAY - 23
(Airport (incall-outcall))
~»Look Gents«~ Your Favorite Italian Addiction Is Back ~»Killer Curves & Tantilizing Touch«~ - 23
(♥ PIT Airport Incall)
** GoRgEoUs BLoNdE BaRbiE ** $$ PRETTY1 $$ NEW To TOWN!! - 32
(Pittsburgh, Airport InCall/OutCall Surrounding)
Mon 13 Jan
(((((Long Legged Exotic Beauty Check Out Me & My Specials)))))) NEW PICS!!! - 23
(By Airport/Incall & Outcall)
Sun 12 Jan
Lets play Santa and Mrs Clause* i Can suck on ur Candy kane & U can have my HOT Moist Cookies!! - 24
(Philadelphia, airport area incall only)
___ *:.♥ :*¨P R E T T Y... T H I C K...&...T I G H T...JUST RITE!..... ((CUMM ))ENJOY!! ___ - 23
(Airport/Coraopolis Incall)
-:¦:- LAST -:¦:- DAY -:¦:- Stunning -:¦:- Elite -:¦:- Brunette -:¦:- Bombshell -:¦:- SPECIALS - 30
(-:¦:- Airport Incall -:¦:- Outcall)
Party this Mon night w the exotic gorgeous duo or one of us My place or yours? xoxoCalla 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall airport s. hills greentre)
Sat 11 Jan
Wanna Play? I'm Game! Sexy Playful Petite Discrete Ready To Go★☆★ Airport to Monroville Outcall - 28
(Pittsburgh, Airport Area Incall; Outcall Avail 2)
5 ~ *$tar* Chick { With100% Good Br@!n$ } And Can Take That $tick!! - 20
5 ~ *$tar* Chick { With100% Good Br@!n$ } And Can Take That $tick!! - 20
_ _ _*AMAZING RATES*_ _ _ **BLONDE ** Curvy & Thick BiG BOOTY Doll* {{{ 36D-30-44 }}} Reviewed - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
D33pThroatQu33n👑💎🍒 Sweet n Juicy💦 Big SeXy Booty $🍑 💯%Real Pix‼️ NO Rush💕 LASTDAY - 19
(By airport/ Moon Incall, Pittsburgh)
Fri 10 Jan
♡ ♥💖 Professional Asian ♡ ♥💖 - 25
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
NEW PiX} ? ? ?. . .NeeD a . . .F/i/X ? ? ? ?? ? DiAL mY DigiTS. .. .. * * * * * * ** * - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
^^^Statuesque Black Barbie ^^^ 24/7 @dult film star Great N@ughty personality lets PLAY - 23
(Airport (incall-outcall))
❤ [NEW 】 ✓【BUSTY】 ✓ 【 Spanish & Native American】 ✓ 【100% REAL PICS】 ✓ 【Available NOW】❤ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Airport INCALL Only)
( N@uGhTY ) ★ °-:SeXy¦:-° .... ©UT¡ °★ ... ¢@LL NoW... ( 100% R@L ) - 19
(Pittsburgh Airport Incall)
[♥] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [♥] NEVER LOOKED SO[♥] N*I*C*E [♥] - 23
~ ©LI©K H® ~§x¥ BL@©k @nd Ko® @N Pl@¥m@T ~C@LL NoW~$100 SpEciAL - 21
(incall airport area 5136936120)
"80"Special "FREAKY Gurl (Thick Gurls Do It Better )Baby Blues an Blonde Too Here From The South - 33
🍑🍒 Ruby & Samantha Together 🔥🔥Two Hot Busty Dolls💋🍒 Read Ad First🍭🍯 - 25
(Crafton, airport Incall outcall all over, Pittsburgh)
Thu 09 Jan
(Philadelphia, PhiLLy AiRport InCaLL)
***(OoOh)______ (YeSSSs ssSss sSS)J_U_S_T= __ _ =W_H_A_T= __ _ =Y_O_U= __ _ =W_A_N_T= ***** im BaCk - 23
(incall AIRPORT come see me 24HR)
Smokin' Hot [✔] $100 [✔] Naughty [✔] AVAILABLE NOW [✔]$100 - 18
(Airport Incall Outcalls Everywhere)
((( Hot Exotic Black & Asian Beauty ))) Every man deserves to be TREATED liKE KING!!! Specials - 23
(airport (incall) airport specials)
»-(¯`v´¯)-»DO ME-:¦:-DOggY St YLe-:¦:-FAcE dO wN -:¦:-Ass ROu nD NevER-:¦:-st op POUNDING-(¯`v ´¯)-» - 20
Amazing #1 §iMpL¥ Th B§T In Town-SPOILED To Ecstacy OutCall/Incall Special Why Miss Out on ME - 25
EARLY MORNIN SPECIALS!! w exotic gorgeous duo or one of us My place or yours? xoxoCalla 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall airport s. hills greentre)
ViSiTiNG ★ M O R E... C U R V E S ....THE ..B E T T E R!!!...SWEET... TREAT 2 MEET!! - 23
(Coraopolis/airport Incall)
★VISITING★ Kinky & DELICIOUSLY DEVIANT Bootylicious Exotic Dominatrix ☞ Worship NOW! - 33
(Pittsburgh, Airport area incall avail 24/7)
%% Tired of fake pics and Bad Attitudes %% Black and Asian exotic Beauty ** IM ready Are U** - 23
(airport -incall)
Dont End Your Friday Yet! Up all night so party w the exotic gorgeous duo or one of us. 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall airport s. hills greentre)
★ [[ E X C L U S I V E ]] ★ [[ V . I . P ]] ★ [[ PLAYMATE]] - 20
(Incall near Airport Area)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* -:¦:- - 19
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Airport Incall)
SnOwBuNnY SwEeTeR ThAn HoNeY!! ❄️🐇🍯 REAL DEAL BABY!! 🍭Ask about my 2GIRL(Incall ONLY) very discreet!! - 21
(Pittsburgh, Airport INCALL ONLY Near Robinson ASK ME)
Wed 08 Jan
**NeW** ♥~ PerFecT *¨: *::: PlayMaTe *::: *:: SuPeR*:* ::SexXxi* ;~** - 18
(Incall Near Airport Outcalls)
★ Natural blonde ★ —Pretty face —— Perfect body—★ Amazing curves!! 20 minute special for $140 - 23
(Philadelphia, airport incall and outcall)
•º(¯` AMAZING★ (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) BLONDE(¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) BARBIE .•'´¯) - 23
(Philadelphia, philadelphia airport/ outcall/incall)
I Would Love To Spend ome Time With You Today ... All You Have To Do Is Call - 25
(INCALL near the airport)
.100 SPECIALS!! *Fr3aKy* ThiCk & SeXy 36D-30-44 B L O N D E!! ReViEwEd!! ** BiG BoOTy! - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
SUPERBOWL SUN SPECIALS!! w exotic gorgeous duo or one of us My place or yours? xoxoCalla 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall airport s. hills greentre)
Tue 07 Jan
-:¦:- LAST -:¦:- DAY -:¦:- Stunning -:¦:- Elite -:¦:- Brunette -:¦:- Bombshell -:¦:- SPECIALS - 30
(-:¦:- Airport Incall -:¦:- Outcall)
NEW *Real 40GG's! BUSTY BooBylicious Ebony...Must See* - 23
(Pittsburgh Airport Incall/OutCalls avail)
N€W CALIFORNIA DREAM GIRL★█ ___█ █ █ UPSCALE♡♥ ❶st CHOICE ♥♡♥█ ★█ ___█ █ - 25
(Pittsburgh, airport incall/outcall Robinson)
*New Ebony Delight!* Treat Yourself Don't Cheeat Yourself.... CLICK HERE!!! - 23
(Pittsburgh Airport (Incall/Out))
+ *IM BACK BOYS!* Sexy & Curvy *=B _L _ O_ N_ D _ E- *{Busty, Booty & Hips} 36d-30-44 - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
{{ BLONDE }} ___ [♥] ___ !! HOT HOT pICs !! ___ [♥] ___ {{ NEW IN TOWN! }} - 24
(* PITTSBURGH airport ArEa Incall *)
90 Special FREAKYGurl(Thick Gurls Do It Better )Baby Blues an Blonde Too Here From The South - 33
S T O P HERE CLICK For Bella the Exotic bombshell you'll pick avail24/7 100 %real pics xoxo - 22
(Pittsburgh, Airport and pgh area outcall and Incall)
**im ur dream girlfriend ** back rubs n more discreet fun call for apt or same day apts - 22
(Pittsburgh, greensburg/ new stanton/ youngwood)
Mon 06 Jan
** Seductive Long Legged Beauty ** COME check OUT my SPECIALS!! ter (148683) - 23
(airport- incall-outcall)
Early morning incall or outcalls w Calla the sexy exotic Italian princess 36d 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Incall or outcall airport/green tree/pgh)
LAST DAY!! **LOW $pEciALs** Sexy & Curvy B L O N D E* 36D-30-44 * BiG B(O)(O)TY! ++++ - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
((( Black and Asian Beauty )) Tired of up sales and fake pics !! Come induldge yourself - 23
(airport--- outcall- incall)
Sun 05 Jan
% Sexy Black & Asian Beauty % Everyman deserves to b king!! Tired OF Fake PIC!! 100% me - 23
***** Every man deserves to be King of His Castle ***** ask about my specials starting at 100 - 23
(by the airport/incall & outcall)
Fr3AKy!! --> SuPeR SeXy *_____ *ExTra ThicK* ___ 36D-30-44 BuStY & BoOTiFuL BLONDE!!! - 22
(* 24hr ROBiNSON/AiRPORT (PiTTS) iNCaLL *)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* SNOW BUNNY *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* - 22
(Airport Incalls/Outcalls Everywhere)
█ —— ❤ —- █ ▬ ▬ » ★ ★ ★ ▀█░ Brand New BLONDE SWEET HEART ( Just Arrived ) ░█▀ ★ ★ ★ « ▬ ▬ █ ——❤ —— █ - 21
(Pittsburgh, ★ ★ Airport Area Incall ★ ★)
Sat 04 Jan
Wow they're huge 40 DDD all natural unbelieveable Juicy WATERMELONS - 21
(Airport/Robinson Incall/Outcall)
%% Sexy Black & Asian Beauty % Everyman deserves to b king!! Tired OF Fake PIC!! 100% me - 23
(airport (incall-outcall))
L_E_T_ °o;o° _M_E_ °o;o° _T_A_K_E _ °o;o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o;o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o;o° _A_W_A_Y. 100 SPECIAL - 25
Fri 03 Jan
LaSt NiTe☆YoUR TrEaSuRe iS HeRe SwEeT PlEaSuRe NaUgHtiEr ThaN ThE AvErAgE NyMpH ☆ - 20
(Philadelphia Airport Area 24hr incall)
🎉🎊 Ruby 👑Short Sweet Fistey🔥🍯 Busty Red Head Irish🇨🇮🍑🍒 A1 Toppy Fun😘💋 - 26
(Crafton, airport Incall outcall all over, Pittsburgh)