Mon 06 Jan
petite blue eyed bruenette waiting to play** huge sale $$$$ 150 $ for 1hour** hurry while I'm here!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, surrounding pittsburgh areas)
💫🎀💎-:¦:-Real Life Barbie ✧✧ 💖Simply Stunning 💫💎 ✧✧ 🎀✧✧ 100% Satisfying Call Now 🎀 💞🌟 💞 - - 23
(Greentree, Crafton, Robinson incalls, Pittsburgh)
Maybe You and I, Maybe a little closer to the city? Let Me Know What You Think, Angel Cakes:-) - 999999
(Monroeville-NEW PIX)
late nite fun let me be your playmate we.t sexy freaky girl waiting on you**LOW RATES ALL NIGHT*** - 21
(Pittsburgh, Your place)
Late night outcall specials spend it with the sexy italian princess 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Airport/Robinson/green tree/monroeville)
K.I.S.S.A.B.L. * F.R.0.M * T.0.P * 2 * B.0.T.T.0.M ☑ ChOcOlAtE LuCiOuS TrEaT { JuSt ArriVeD } - 21
(**MonroeViLLe 24hr InCaLLs**)
***CuM AnD LeT's KeEp It OuR LiTtLe SECRET***WeT N WaRm WaItInG*** CaLL Me@ 216-644-4608 - 23
CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR__ NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* HOT *-:¦:-* AND STEAMY - 22
(crafton incalls off rt. 79)
*Candace* SUPER BUSTY playmate available now!! OUTCALL cash/credit! available til 6am. - 24
(Pittsburgh, pgh(1 hour radius))
----- cOmE aNd gEt a sCoOp oF mY iCe cReAm BaBy - GOOD 2 the LAST DROP - erotic beauty leaving soon! - 21
Sun 05 Jan
Don't Miss YOUR chance to be Spoiled by ME!! Love 2 Squeeze Princess! Limited Time Only! !♡ - 22
(Pittsburgh, Downtown)
💥Explode with Excitement available till 11pm Only 🎭 Get a Massage from me. (724)288~1493 - 30
(Houston pa incall, Pittsburgh)
There is Nothing You Can Do That I Have NOT Already Done To Myself. Or Maybe There IS!!!!! - 26
(West st & Rebecca Ave. Wilkinsburg)
Ladies 18-30 Looking to live the life you deserve - 18
(Allentown, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, travel)
Your Legendary CLASSY ASSS Natasha BLONDE here for YOU! AMAZING Big BOOTY Blonde! - 27
(Pittsburgh, MONROEVILLE)
Well reviewed Lovely Asian Beauty Looking for a Holloween Treat?♡♥~Your wish is my command ♡♥ - 24
(Williamsport, williamsport & surrounding areas)
YOUR NEW -:¦:- 60Special# ❶ ADDICTION! __ U WILL __ NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 24
(Monroeville 60 Til 2)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A:¦:LO O K :¦:(( TREAT YOURSELF )) - 25
Raylyn blonde blue eyed college cutie or two girl specials w exotic Brooke avail now 412 327 3353 - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh area airport greentree)
Cute Blonde, Fun - Entertaining - Addicting & Available When you Need Her to Be. - 26
(Wilkinsburg - West st & Rebecca Ave.)
In Downtown On Business? In Need Of A PICK-ME-UP? Sexy Woman Available to COME TO YOU! - 29
I'm Treating @ Your Place. You Deserve A Special Dessert For A Hard-Working Gent - 26
(Greater Pittsburgh)
*** Come have some incredible fun**** I'm ready and waiting ***** - 26
(Pittsburgh, ☆ available 7days wk.☆verona/ oakmont/)
B+A+R+B+A+D+O+S _ B+E+A+U+T+Y _ Tia _ Monroe *** IN CALL SPECIALS ALL NITE LONG!!!*** - 22
Sat 04 Jan
💥Explode with Excitement available till 2pm Only 🎭 Get a Massage from me. (724)288~1493 - 30
(Houston pa incall, Pittsburgh)