Thu 09 Jan
New pics 80 dollars specials have fun Happy New years special come and have fun. 4126078302 - 30
(Pittsburgh, monroeville by route48)
💋🍭😜In/Out Sexy & Sweet But Wild Natural Redhead Ready 2 Play, Are You?😜🍭💋 - 34
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Areas)
♥I am Here To serve you♥ My treasure is your pleasure♥ - 30
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville/Pittsburgurg/IN CALL)
I'm a lonely girl *! !# 💯% independent and I need help - 26
(Pittsburgh, whiteoak irwin west miffiln Greensburg)
BACK 1 DAY Specials Natural DD's TO Squeeze N Please! Sexy n' Sweet EBONY Doll VISITING! REAL PIX! - - 21
(pittsburgh in/out)
************ Beautiful Exotic Girl, Will Leave You Satisfied- SPECIALS ALL DAY ************** - 24
B O O O O O O O O O O O O O BB I E S - &&&& - B O O O O O O O O O O O O O TTIES - 22
★ Super Freaky ★ 80 $pecial$ ★ SEXY BLONDE DOLL ★ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville In & Outcall 24HRS LASTDAY)
TGIF all night specials w sexy Italian princess Calla or exotic duo 4123273353 in/outcall - 24
(Pittsburgh, in/outcall robinson grntree monroeville)
Star Kayla available Tuesday Evening thru Thursday Checkout - 40
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville, Cranberry)
Start Your Friday off today... Let's start the Fun UNRUSHED excitment NOW - 24
(New Stanton/Irwin/Ur Place :))
❇ ✧✦Special✧✦ Redheaded Blue Eyed Busty Hell On Heels - 28
(Pittsburgh, Upscale Clean Candle Lit Incall)
*:::*_______| (SuCkiNg ThE sWeEt CuM oUt Of YoU iS tHe LaSt ThiNg i WaNnA dO) |_______*:::* - 18
sLiM wAiST °*° (( gOrGeOuS fAcE )) Hot EBONY (C-liCk hErE) 100- specials. - 22
~♥~ Sexy, Sensual, Professional Escort ~♥~ Available All Week!!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh~Greensburg)
★ ★ _ *N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ ★ ★ - 26
★•°o•.★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o•.★ P€TiT€ ★•°o•.★ STUNNiNG ★•°o•.★ PLAYMAT€ ★•°o•.★ - 24
(Pittsburgh, pittsbugh areas in & out (monroeville))
New Pics!!!! Bring the new year in with a b@@g!!!!!! - 34
(Pittsburgh, regant square/Wilkinsburg incalls)
+*+*+ MISS - L O N D O N +*+*+ Dont miss out!! > Best Rate UpLate < ****ANYTHING GOES **** - 22
☆ N_Â_U_G_H_T¥ *[]* § _ _X_¥ * & * RÂÐ TÕ _§ _Â _T _i _§ _F _¥ ÕU☆ - 24
Gorgeous ___Beauty 100% Real Pics ____Delicious Curves_____Dont settle For Anything Less! - 25
(Outcalls Only, Pittsburgh)
★Holiday Specials ... Rock Your Jingle Bells Today ★ OUTCALL Only★ - 26
(Pittsburgh, Washington, Robinson)
*********** How Would You Like To Use Me?- SPECIALS ALL NIGHT ************ - 24
* -:¦:- GFE -:¦:- JUICY -:¦:- XXX RATED -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & NauGHTy -:¦:-* - 21
.★.•: *:•.★.•: Gorgeous ★Playful ★Blonde *:•.★.•: *:•.★.•: - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Incalls & Outcalls 24HOURS)
HEAVENS NUDE BODY TO BODY GLIDE For Men Over 35, Lay Back Relax Let Me Do All The Work !! Heavens - 28
(15212 PITTSBURGH PA, Pittsburgh)
Come tease me Please me & so much MORE!!!! SPECIAL TODAY ONLY TODAY ONLY - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place:))
COUGAR Monroeville till 2:00 then Airport area. - 48
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville till 2:00pm then Robinson)
————— ———————————— ———————————— ☆ §EXi€§† BrUnEtT€ ☆ ————— ———————————— ———————————— - 32
(Pittsburgh, Bloomfield area)
:*: :*:A_b_S_o_ L_u_T_e _L_Y __ P_e_R_F_e_C_t_ __ C_o_M_p _ A_n_I_o _N _:*: - 19
*•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•💋. 2 WhItE giRlS n YoU Sexy $pEcIaLs ! 💋*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 23
(Pittsburgh, OUTCALL)
Afternoon all day specials w the exotic all american beauty calla 36d 4123273353 myplace or yours?? - 24
(Pittsburgh, In or outcalls airport grn tree robinson)
5⭐STAR 💋WOW TREATMENT!💖Best Toe-Curling👣👣 Exciting Erotic BodyRub♀Sexy Mixed BUSTY BABE - 29
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Upscale Area / Incalls Only)
60💦How Do You Like It🍦 Crê@m¥🍦 Or Very Wêt💦{Triple Threat} - 22
(Center City, Incalls Only/Allegheny-Temple area, Philadelphia)
5 ~ *$tar* Chick And Can Take That $tick!! LAST DAY COME AND GETIT - 20
ღ ---1oo--- Nw BoOt¥ On DuT¥ ((n@$t¥ fR@k)) r@d¥ NOw !! --- 1oo --- ღ - 23
(❤ Monroeville Incall ❤)
2 girl specials with Ray Lynn, the blonde girl next door you wished you lived next too 412 979 4913 - 24
(Pittsburgh, ne just outside city)
100% REAL 💎100% GoRgEoUs! 🙋 young CLASSY sexy model potential° NOW available 24/7 😍 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Turtle Creek in call + outcall)