Sun 12 Jan
Wed night outcall last night avail until Sat! Exotic Italian bombshell avail now so hurry 4129323372 - 25
(Pittsburgh, robinson/greentree/airport area outcall)
*~*§weet young petite beauty Come see me and it will feel like your in heaven*~* - 22
(Pittsburgh, Plum and monroeville surrounding areas)
💖💕UPSCALE INCALL💕 💖Forget the rest, come get the best!💖💕 💋SeDuCTiVeLY SWeEt💕 - 24
Welcoming all feishes.. hungry why wait, call carmela banks - 25
(Pittsburgh, irwin/greensburg/north versallies)
True Satisfaction Is Only Accessible In My Presence. Let Me Show You!!! Incall or Outcall - 25
(Cranberry PA 228, Pittsburgh)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:* ELITE •-:¦:-•* InToXiCaTiNg *•-:¦:-•*Soft *•-:¦:-•*Looking to PLEASE•*¨¨*• - - 26
(Pittsburgh, north pittsburgh/butler)
✨💖✨Come Play With Jayden. I'm Ready To Get Wild With You!✨💖✨ - 23
(Cranberry Incall Only, Pittsburgh)
c@LL N(o)w!! ► new FETISH friendly BRUNETTE babe ◄ c@LL N(o)w!! - 22
(Pittsburgh, .◆. CRANBERRY .◆.)
▓► D_R_E_A_M_ *ღ* GIRL ◄▓ Seminole African Princess~* Put a spell on u - 18
♥ Boys Play With Toys Real Men Play With Me ♥ (724)880-6660 (incall Only) 60/120/240 Sp - 23
(Pittsburgh, Crafton/Greentree)
♥S e x y ♥Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥A d d i c t i v e ♥ - 21
(Pittsburgh, route28 north)
***(OoOh)______ (YeSSSs ssSss sSS)J_U_S_T= __ _ =W_H_A_T= __ _ =Y_O_U= __ _=W_A_N_T= last day - 23
(monroeville INCALL only)
🌹🌺🌹 Raena 🌹🌺🌹 Adorable College Sweetheart 💕💕 3306070849 💋💋💋Addictive Beauty💋💋💋 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Incall Downtown out anywhere💋💕💋)
°o© - - - Flawless - - - ✰ -- Mixed °o© Dominican -- ✰ - - - Sensation - - - °o© - 20
(Pittsburgh, ×MONROEVILLE×)
❤️ 💋🎈$100 special today only last day in town 4126099464 🎈💋❤️ - 25
(Pittsburgh, ❤️ Greentree/InCall ONLY❤️)
Sat 11 Jan
Though YOU seen THE BEST? Im THE BEST splash like a PORNSTAR NO REFLEX ! 614-569-6525 - 22
*¨¨*-:¦:-* THANK GOSH l'M FREAKY! 38DD BLONDE lNCALL SPEClALS! *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 29
(Pittsburgh, INCALL)
TGIF night party at my place or urs w pghs finest exotic brunette Riley avail now 4122289699 - 25
(Pittsburgh, in/outcall pgh Oakland grntree Robinson)
SXY Bl@cK @nD KoR@N DoLL C@LL NoW - 21
(Pittsburgh, incall only)
*ღ* Perfect ▓ [ B - l - o - n - d - e ] Russian ▓ [ D - o - L - L ] *ღ* - 19
(Pittsburgh, ◄ - - GreenTree - - ►)
NEW♡♥♡i just want 2 b your PERSONAL TOY.. IM lonely and ready 2 PLAY - 23
(Pittsburgh, robinson incall only)
°o♥o° {Ju§t Vi§iting} °o Sexy .Mulato. Babe o° [Specials 2day Only] o° > °o♥o° - 20
Oh so excited the seasons have changed!! Come and FALL into a pile of fun. 😍😍 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding areas)
New Here💓💛💓💛IN CALL★★Asian Student💓💛★★DeLICIOus Sweet HEART💓💛💓💛Ur Best Choice XOXO - 21
(Pittsburgh, 🍄🍄🍄🍄Monroeville)
***NaUgHtY {{SPINNER}} Exotic Dominican HaVE a BLAST!!!! LIMITED TiME ONLY!!! ((24hr INCALL)) - 21
NEW __ NEW __ NEW _ _the PERFECT PETITE Body JADA 240 354 1440 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville PA (incall only))
♥ IM ** eXaCtLy ** WhAt ** YoU ** nEeD ♥ IM BacK - 23
(incall only(( come see me)))
HOT Sexy MILF 40D $75c SUPER Special Incall only NO TEXTS please !!! - 45
(near penn hills, Pittsburgh)
ALL Of The ABoVE-* ReaL, SeXY, PETiTe, FleXiBle, YUMMY & ReaDY 2 PLeaSE YoU!! NeW TO THE ArEA - 26
(Pittsburgh, ««MoNrOeViLLe ArEa»»24Hr InCaLL OnLy)
B=A=R=B=A=D=O=S __ --*-- __ H=O=N=E=Y __ --*__In ToWn FoR 1 NITE!!!!! - 22
(Monroeville/ incall only)
best in town ;) so come get down 347-894-1029 (InCall Only) $120 Special - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
bad girls ready to b naughty special low price dont miss out412-403-573 412-872-8773 - 21
(Pittsburgh, south hills century 3)
♞♞♞►♞♞♞►♞♞♞► Asian Treasure ! ◄♞♞♞♞►♞ ♞♞► ▃❤▃ Sexy Kroean ▃❤▃ ▃ ◆♛Incall ✿♞♞♞► 917-349-3197♞♞♞►♞♞♞►♞ - 23
(Pittsburgh, ❤️❤️❤️ 917-349-3197 ❤️❤️❤️ MONROEVILLE)
🚺🚺🚺▐▐▐ ⛔⛔▃▃▃▃ ASIAN NEW / SEXY & HOT ▃▃▃▃ 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 ▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 ▃▃▃▃▃▃ FANTASTIC FEELING ▃ - 22
(Pittsburgh, Washington, PA Incall Only)
Arianna...busty, petite and supersweet!!! 412-452-8300 - 36
(Pittsburgh, pgh..beechview incall/ outcall wherever)
Amazing Blonde Ooo So Kinky Ooo So Fun All Real Photos Special - 21
(Pittsburgh, Greentree Incall Only)
80$pcls N@$T!€ Fr3@K ☆ DANGEROUS L!PpS ☆ AmAZ!Ng AZz-:¦:- My MoNiCa Lewin$ky is "Thee BEST"! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville * Penn Hills * Pittsburgh)
= = = = = = = * Stunning ▐ Petite ▐ New ▐ Cuban ▐ Bombshell * = = = = = = = - 20
(Pittsburgh, ✿__GR33NTR33__✿)
spinner specials 24/7/365, even holidays, text or call for details, duos also - 24
(Pittsburgh, beaver county)
TGIF Spend it w one of us or all 3!! Devon tall thin model or Brooke Brazillian goddess 412 9794867 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Airport greentree)
★ *TAKE A PEEK* __at _ the __★ MAiN ATTRACTiON ★ AbSoLuTeLY GoRgeOuS - 23
(Pittsburgh Incall/Outcall Everywhere)