Wed 08 Jan
(( B L O N D E )) ___ *38DD*___ {SuPeR}___ :H O T: ___ [&] ___ =SWEET= _____ lNCALL SPECIALS - 29
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE)
DON'T MisS OuT GeNtLeMen! PlaYmaTe of YouR DreamS Is BacK In ToWn...MaKE Appts Now xo - 21
(Pittsburgh, monroeville,murrysville,plum,free m tree)
Tue 07 Jan
************ WELL REVIEWED- Exotic Mixed Beauty- SPECIALS ALL DAY ************ - 24
Upscale, 38DD and Fully Manicured Playing in Cranberry All Day Long- 125 Special - 27
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry/ 228)
There's a Reason Everyone Says I'm The Best... Wanna Come Find Out - 29
(Belle Vernon, Fayette City area, Pittsburgh)
NEW York City "TER REViEWED BUSTY KiMBER" AVAiL Early/LaTe! THiCK n' Juizy ExoTic EBONY Treat..
((NEW GORG3OUS & KINKY Co-Ed)) 5O4-534-8O56 (ViDeO iNSiDe) ReaL G!RL With REAL P!CS ((8O Special)) - 20
(Pittsburgh, Compare The Pics @ The Door : ) 1OO% Me)
*New Ebony Delight!* Treat Yourself Don't Cheeat Yourself.... CLICK HERE!!! - 23
(Pittsburgh Airport (Incall/Out))
*******Iam back..Tall Beautiful Danielle. n ready to please***** - 24
(Pittsburgh, outcall will travel most anywere)
:-) big boobs! Big booty! :-)bbw juicy and wild! One night special!!!!!! - 29
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
AFTERNOON SPECIAL Blonde blue-eyed 19yr COLLEGE CUTIE 100% REAL PIC. avail.24/7 412-315-5214 - 19
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Airport/Robinson/Greentree)
FROM ST.LOUIS ★.• §IMPL¥ IRR£§I§TIßL€ ★ [LaTiNa PreCioSa] ★ YOUR NeW €XOTiC CHOiCE •. ★ - - 28
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON pa)
WARNING.... .(((((NAUGHTY GIRL ALERT))))) - SeXXieSt EbOnY in Town- XXX (( LAST DAY)) - 23
(monroeville incall only)
Preston, cute blue eyed blonde hair 18yo college freshman, 4129794931 - 18
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh area, north 28)
**im ur dream girlfriend ** back rubs n more discreet fun call for apt or same day apts - 22
(Pittsburgh, greensburg/ new stanton/ youngwood)
Caution, Sexy Petite Ebony Queen Is So Addictive!!. Come See These New Positions Daddi!!** - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburg Airport Area)
Mon 06 Jan
((FUN))- - -((Flirtacious Attitude))- - -((HOT))- - -((Busty))- - -((Blonde))- SPECIALS - 27
(Pittsburgh, pgh my place or yours)
Wanting to have the Best Day? Start With Having the Best in the Business! No Rushing, Upselling ETC! - 26
(West st & Rebecca Ave.)
:-) jacuzzi special!!! big boobs! Big booty! :-)bbw juicy and wild! One night special!!!!!! - 29
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
----- cOmE aNd gEt a sCoOp oF mY iCe cReAm BaBy - GOOD 2 the LAST DROP - erotic beauty leaving soon! - 21
{ C } { A } { U } { T } { I } { O } { N } Freaky & Sexxy The Ultimate *G*F*E *Fetish available - 22
Caution, Sexy Petite Ebony Queen Is So Addictive. Come See These New Positions Daddi!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburg Airport Area)
Sun 05 Jan
There is Nothing You Can Do That I Have NOT Already Done To Myself. Or Maybe There IS!!!!! - 26
(West st & Rebecca Ave. Wilkinsburg)
Raylyn blonde blue eyed college cutie or two girl specials w exotic Brooke avail now 412 327 3353 - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh area airport greentree)
KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & NauGHTy -:¦:- sExY -:¦:- ABSOLUTELY -:¦:- INCREDIBLE lEaViNg SoOn - 24
(monroeville//lEaViNg ReAl SoOn)
💗 💗💗💗 💗💗 COCO KOREA student 💗 HOT 💗 36D BUSTY💗 💗 The NEW Visiting to TOWN 💗 💗💗 💗 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 💗💗💗 💗💗 - 21
Sat 04 Jan
NeVeRmInD ThE WiFe--- CoMe On OvEr-- I WoNt TeLL. (( LaSt DaY ) ) - 19
Especials💕·♥B ε A U † i FuL💕Classy♥MaDE •°★ FoR•°⇨ YoUR★•°• PLeaSuRe·♥·💕 💕τθρ Qυαℓιτγ♚ ♥ - - 24
Preston, cute blue eyed blonde hair 18yo college freshman, 4129794913 - 18
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh area, north 28)
💎🌟🌹SeXXXy Jesse... 🌔🌠⚡Let me show you how to unwind, and have the best night EVER!💝📦🍷 - 25
(Incall and out, Pittsburgh)
Fri 03 Jan
GAME DAY SPECIAL! Blonde blue-eyed 19yr college cutie 100% real pics. avail.24/7 412-315-5214 - 19
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Downtown/North Hills/Airport)
🎰🎫💘💋💋latenight 💯freakk guarantee Treat💎💋💋💘🎰🎫 - 26
(Pittsburgh, forest hills/Wilkinsburgh incall and out)
CAUTION •-:¦:-• YOUR NEW •-:¦:-• #1 ADDICTION! • __ U WILL __ NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 29
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE)
candy girls all diffrent flavors where dreams come true incall & outcall 724-766-1345 412-403-2963 - 21
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh,east lib,northside.all over)
Thu 02 Jan
LATE SPECIAL come have FUN with 19 yr old college BLUE-EYED BLONDIE 412-315-5214 - 19
(Pittsburgh, Downtown Oakland Greentree Airport)