Sat 11 Jan
@%@ 80 SPecials BEAutiful mixed DD diva 80 SPECIALS @%@%@ (412-918~0139) - 21
(Pittsburgh, greentree /incalls only)
🍒🍒 Sometimes You Want Pie 🍒🍒 Sometimes You Want A Popsicle 🍓🍓The Transexual Mistress - 25
(Greentree, Pittsburgh)
((__ 10,000% ME__ ))__ ☆ _ ((_ BaCk By DeMaNd _ ))___ ☆__ (( __SuPeR sExY rEd__ )) - 25
(Pittsburgh, Greentree)
#☝1 PiCK((🌺Come See My Jewels🌺))⛅️💖🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳⛅🍆👅💦 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭💖😜🌟 TS Imani 🌟 - 25
(Pittsburgh, ❤ ❤ Greentree ❤)
❤️ 💋🎈$100 special today Only extended one last day 4126099464 🎈💋❤️ - 25
(Pittsburgh, ❤️ Greentree/InCall ONLY❤️)
Let the Queen of Toys give you the ride of your life! -Toy Nurse - Visiting 7/5 - 07/10
(Pittsburgh-Greentree Area)
Let the Queen of Toys give you the ride of your life! -Toy Nurse - Visiting 3/22-3/27!
(Pittsburgh-Greentree Area)
VISITING NEW NEW ________ FLAWLESS ___________ SEXY __________ HOTTEST LATINA PLAYTOY _______ - 22
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE)
UnBl!vAbL SPC!@LS {{ Almost AnYtHiNg }} G0S ¡! {{SWTST} {Fr@k} LimiTd Tim - 19
(Pittsburgh, GReeNTRee - INCALL SPECIALS)
Were up late! Specials avail w Calla and Jaz two of the hottest exotic girls in the city 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, robinson airport greentree pgh in or out)
(VISTING )come see the 2 sexi ladies together ...200 special!!! 5 star rated - 32
(Pittsburgh, greentree/pitts)
=[]= ßußßLe =[]= █ =[]= ßuTT =[]= █ =[]= ßLONDE =[]= OpeNMiNdeD =[]= - 19
✰ WhAt Do You WanT? ✰ i WaNt YoU [ xOxO BLoNdE xOxO] ✰ AvAiL. NoW - 19
Try Something New!°•*ஐ*•° ••••►I'm a Frisky and Exotic kitten! ▀▄▀▄visiting 1/10-1/13 - 36
(Pittsburgh, greentree Area)
☎[[ CoMe]] KnOcK On My DooR ILL ShoW u The [[ ReaL]] DeFiNiTioN oF a [[TreaT]] - 19
Best way to relax! come let me take all the stress away :) Beautiful Blonde Experience - 21
(Pittsburgh, greentree)
%%%%CALIFORNIA busty Brunnett filipina mixed DDs Layla 120 special.Back short time only - 25
(Pittsburgh, greentree area/ from downtown)
-- Sexy -- ♚ [ * Incredible Blonde * ]♚[ * Russian Goddess * ] ♚ -- 24/7 -- - 19
(Pittsburgh, *ღ* GreenTree *ღ*)
Fri 10 Jan
💕💋Two is more fun than one💕💋! 💰/💳 Real girls, recent pictures, available until 6am! - 18
(Dwntn Cranberry Washington Greentree etc, Pittsburgh)
3/9~1 DAY ONLY___ Sometimes A Girl Just Needs A Guy To..._____ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh_ Greentree)
INDEPENDENT Gal-Interesting Ways to Spend Loving Time with a Beautiful Woman - 45
Loving & Affectionate Stress Relief - I Love to Cuddle & Snuggle !! - 45
Toni B NEW VID Escort._can incl massage/glide toys fetish easy verify REAL review sensual kinkyGNTR - 40
(Greentree., Pittsburgh)
Toy Teacher Diana - A striking 6' tall elegant lady - Visiting July 5th-10th!!!!!
(Pittsburgh-Greentree Area)
SUPER BUSTY ___ ( • )( • ) ___ B-L-O-N-D-E __B__O__M_ B__S_ H__E_ LL ! LEAVING SOON!! - 25
(Pittsburgh, Greentree)
O Yes It's On🌸Baby Come See why 🌸I'm every Husbands best kept Secret!! I have left - 36
(Pittsburgh, Greentree I have left boys)
New pics Grntre ToniB 36DDDmassage or escort incl glide toys fetish reviews - 40
(Greentree., Pittsburgh)
***** Nurse (RN) / Teacher Diana Thanks ya'll, be back this fall! - 49
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh-Fall 2012)
💋💋💋💋NEW GreentreeSexy Petite Italian Cutie 💋💋💋💋 Just Visiting 💋💋💋💋 WELL REVIEWED 💋💋 Lots of FUN💋💋💋💋💋 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Greentree/Crafton Area)
★•° N °•★•° A °•★•° S °•★•° T °•★•° Y °•★•° WELL REVIEWED 215632 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/ greentree area)
Jessica is finally here and RED-Y for you! and hot off the press! - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Greentree)
✦ KINKY ( NeW ) BLacK / Dominican Princess ( 24/7 ) FReAKY ✦ - 20
(Pittsburgh, ×GreenTree×)
I'm every Boys Fantasy🌸But I'm a Husbands 🌸Best kept Secret!!I'm Gone Boys - 36
(Pittsburgh, Greentree Area I have Left boys)
🇵🇭Asian Bad Girl 🇺🇸👠 Fetish Friendly 💎 Delia London 💎VERIFIED & REVIEWED ❖ - 24
(greentree in outcalls everywhere, Pittsburgh)
AMAZING NEW PICS --- ßLÂCK ==PÂN¡§ ==ßLÂCk ==HL§ ==©ØM § HØW §Øf h¡§ FL§ - 27
(Pittsburgh, Greentree In/ Out LOTSA GR8 REVIEWS)
All Night Special SEXY BLONDE CURVY 19yr. COLLEGE CUTIE avail. 24/7 100% REAL pics! 412-315-5214 - 19
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Downtown/Airport/Greentree)
BELLA TONI 36DDDreviews/vids escort massage bodyglide fetish toys fun CLEAN safe! XMAS wk tue 1p on - 40
(NOW greentree,,,,, Pittsburgh)
Be Mine for this rainy night w the Gorgeous Exotic duo or just one My place or yours Calla4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall greentree robinson airpor)
MONDAY AM FUN w A Sexy DUO w SKYE, young sexy petite beauty ,and sexy italian RILEY 4123273353 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Greentree,robinson, crafton)
-:¦*NEW* -:¦:-*SEXY* *-:¦:- *AMAZING* *-:¦:- *EXOTIC* *-:¦:- - - -*ASIAN* *--- -:¦:- - - -* - 21
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE)
👣👣🎯🎯 ☆❤ New Girl Just Arrived❤ ☆ ☆◎ ☏ INCALL ONLY ☏ ◎☆ CASSANDRA L0VE~ - - 24
(Greentree, Pittsburgh)
MONROEVILE SAT 8AM on 36DDD italian RN Real &reviews; funclean sensual/kinky - 40
(monroeville & GREENTREE, Pittsburgh)
HOT * WILD * NEW Brunette-Your Toes Will CURL And I'll Make You SQUIRM! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Greentree)
*-:¦:- *~*AMAZING*~* *-:¦:- *~*EXOTIC*~* *-:¦:- - - -*~*ASIAN*~* *--- -:¦:- - - -* - 21
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE)
Adrianna Naught* Little Exotic Treat! Hh 120 roses Hr180 roses Last Day here - 36
(Pittsburgh, Greentree area Last Day here!!)
🔥🔥🔥╠╣0T🔥╠╣0T 🔥🔥🔥 EXOTIC🔥🔥🔥 💲Ë❌❌❌Ÿ🔥🔥🔥 SEDUCTIVE🔥🔥🔥╠╣0T🔥╠╣0T 🔥🔥🔥Jen - 24
(Greentree/Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
* ( )( ) 34DD _____ BOMBSHELL ____ 1000% REAL __ __ NEW PICS!! __ __ XOXO - 25
(Pittsburgh, greentree/carnegie)
. .💋🌹.💕 💋🌹100% Young beautiful girl New in Town .🌹.💕 💋🌹.💕👙 DESIREE is in GREENTREE - 22
(Greentree incall, Pittsburgh)
100% Real and 100% Real pictures. Please i will not waste your time so please dont waste mine - 27
(Pittsburgh, crafton/greentree/pittsburgh area)
▬▬▬▬▬▬💕 Cute mixed babe 💕💕❄️❄️BABY ❄️💕❄️❄️💕1OO% REAL PICS GUARENTEED '💕💕❄️❄️💕▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(Greentree upscale, Pittsburgh)
Late Special SEXY BLONDE CURVY 19yr. COLLEGE CUTIE avail. 24/7 100% REAL pics! 412-315-5214 - 19
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Monroeville/Greentree/Airport)
Mature Upscale (yet) Down-To-Earth & Highly SKILLED....DSL - 24
(Greentree / Downtown / Airport, Pittsburgh)
**I'll Keep you* My Dirty Little Secret*Last day here specials 100 roses 30 min - 36
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Greentree area)
⭐⭐⭐☆☆☆WOW Real ☆WELL REVIEWED☆ 814-799-3963 ⭐☆The Best is Now ☆Here ☆ ITALIAN CUTIE ☆☆☆☆⭐⭐⭐ - 21
(Greentree / Crafton, Pittsburgh)
Will cause Heavy Breathing, Excessive Perspiration ... I do the things your wife won't! - 28
(Pittsburgh, Downtown/greentree)
~~Visting~~why 2 girls is better than 1 have a day never forget :) special 170 - 32
(Pittsburgh, greentree)
(¯`•♥•´¯) A_M_A_Z_I_N_G •♥• P_E_T_I_T_E •♥• B_R_U_N_E_T_T_E (¯`•♥•´¯) 1OOO% REAL - 19
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE 24/7 INCALL)
Thu 09 Jan