Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
ஐஐ*💚Slippery and w .e .t on Friday & saturday ! 6/7 to 6/8!💋 ஐஐ - 41
(Pittsburgh, green tree area(pre- booking))
Sensual ,Voluptuous ,38 D's that bouncy Assets,Last Day Here ! - 41
(Pittsburgh, green tree area(LEFT PITT>))
Early morning incall or outcalls w Calla the sexy exotic Italian princess 36d 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Incall or outcall airport/green tree/pgh)
We want to be AS NASTY as U WANT us 2 B !s-h-(OOOOO)-t it all over US. We CANT W@IT2DR@IN ur babies! - 22
(Pittsburgh, Greentree Pittsburgh)
❤❤Ooh la ! la! Nicole is back And looking for Sin❤❤ - 41
(Pittsburgh, green tree area one more day!)
Late night outcall specials spend it with the sexy italian princess 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Airport/Robinson/green tree/monroeville)
Just in town for a while ....... with sexy specials that will make u smile! $80qks. - 28
(Pittsburgh/Green Tree)
.*-*. Busty .*-*. Playmate .*-*. Quality .*-*. Guaranteed .*-*. Specials - 24
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree,PA)
Sun 05 Jan
*♛ *SeXy, Talented, well reviwed Blonde! * ♛ * Leaving soon dont miss out! * ♛ * - 24
(Pittsburgh, green tree)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T __((( BRUNETTE )))__ --♥-PETITE -♥-HOT -♥-SEXY (GREAT REVIEWS) - 20
(Pittsburgh, ♥GREEN TREE♥)
————:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A——:¦:•L•O • O • K•:¦:———YOUR #1 CHOiCE•☆• ———— - 23
(Pittsburgh, •-:¦:-• Green Tree Incall Baby •-:¦:-•)
EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNtAsY ***100spc - 21
(Pittsburgh, Green tree)
YOUR New Girlfriend ————————————— CATCH ME WHILE YOU CAN —————————— XOXO - 34
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree In-Calls)
☆• S_E_X_Y •☆• H_O_T •☆• A_N_D •☆• T_E_M_P_T_I_N_G •☆ - 40
(Pittsburgh, green tree area (CALLS NO TEXT))
S T O P HERE CLICK For Bella the Italian bombshell you'll pick avail24/7 100 %real pics - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh green tree airport)
❥❥❥❥❥❥ KINKY curvy petite blonde with a soft touch, READY TO PLEASE!!! Call me now ♛ - 22
(green tree, Pittsburgh)
.*-*. Busty .*-*. Playmate .*-*. Quality .*-*. Guaranteed .*-*. Specials - 24
(Pittsburgh, *-* GreeN TreE *-*)
Sat 04 Jan
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree - Carnegie Area Incalls)
S E X Y**C L A S S Y**B E A U T I F U L**B L O N D E**REAL - 33
(Pittsburgh, Discreet Incalls/GREEN TREE)
SExY *___* SwEEt *___* AmAZINg *___* BEAuTIFUL LAtINA * ___* ThE BEST On BACkPAGE *_ 24/7 SERVICE__* - 23
(Pittsburgh, GREEN TREE*....)
LAST NITE IN TOWN SPECIAL~~~ Tasty ~~~ Fun ~~~ Addicting ! ✔ ☎~☎ 100% real 100%60 SPECIAL - 21
(Pittsburgh, green tree in call)
Fri 03 Jan
°•°• NeW In ToWn •°•° I C@n Do M@gIc WiTh My ThIcK FuLL LiPs & CuRvY HiPs •°•$$ 80-100-160 - 18
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree,Area)
S T O P HERE CLICK For Bella the Italian bombshell you'll pick 4129794867 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh green tree airport)
Wkend late nite outcall specials w the sexy exotic classy all natural 36d Calla xoxo 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, airport/robinson/green tree/monroeville)
★ ^((Real)) ^sexy ^(((Hot)) blonde ((Up)) ^late ^((Call)) ^now ★ - 27
(Pittsburgh, GreenTree/DowntownPittsburgh/Monroeville)
SatiSFACtion *¨* Is *¨* My *¨* Best *¨¨* QuaLItY! *¨¨* GUaRAnTeeD 80 specials - 19
(Green Tree Pittsburgh)
LOVELY 💢 ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ ✴️✨✨ BLUE EYES ✨✨✴️ ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ 💢 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree/Crafton Incall Available Now)
L_e_T_ °o;o° _M_e_ °o;o° _T_a_K_e _ °o;o° _Y_o_U_r_ °o;o° _B_r_E_a_T_h_ °o;o° _A_w_A_y! - 23
(Green Tree/Pittsburgh)
◆ Jessica ◆ NEW REDHEADed HOTTIE ◆~ PERFECT PLaymaTE..eLiTE cOMpANIOn - 23
(Pittsburgh, ◆ Green Tree..Sur AreAs ◆)
Thu 02 Jan