Sat 11 Jan
MARIA! Petite, Busty, and very fit! available now! cash/credit - 23
(Pittsburgh, 1 hour radius of pittsburgh)
Happy Easter friends ! 100% real, classy, and professional. 24hrs a day. My friend Dominic in town. - 28
(Pittsburgh, Butler)
HOT BLONDE, TASTY TREAT... SUPER SEXY AND TALENTED!!! Incall 100hh 150hr Outcall 150hh 200hr - 38
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton near I70)
Do you love college girls.... .. WE ARE BI-sexual but LOVE men - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.)
Double your pleasure double your fun! 2 girls for 200hr all night!! cash/credit - 21
(Pittsburgh, greater pittsburgh)
$60 SpEcIaLs ☆ LaSt NiGhT ☆ $60 SpEcIaLs ☆ A+ qUaLiTy SeRvIcE!! - 22
@%@ 80 SPecials BEAutiful mixed DD diva 80 SPECIALS @%@%@ (412-918~0139) - 21
(Pittsburgh, greentree /incalls only)
$120 SMOOTHskin/ NoWIGS here. (Dont_Let_Yur_ DATE_Be_A_ FAKE) MEET a Real TRANSEXUAL. - 23
(Pittsburgh, Upscale Robinson Incall $hhhh!!!!)
$140 NUDE ############# eBONY ############## BOMBSHELL ############## sAMONE - 21
(Pittsburgh, Crafton area)
$50>Look Sexxxy Exxxotic Egyptian Beauty Early a.m specials!!! Leaving today =( Goodbye specials! - 25
(GrEeN tRee)
Can I Come Play!? 200💚 PrOfFeSiOnAlL gEnTlEmEn only! - 20
(Pittsburgh, Monroevill incal Outcall all surrounding)
Let me make your fantasy come true 150 flat rateOut call only - 23
(Pittsburgh, butler evanscity zeli cran)
I'm Bella, Like my pictures? Let's have some hot sexy fun, You'll be very HAPPY, I'm Eager to Please - 25
(Pittsburgh, Incall Only, Private Apt in Butler PA)
Who wants to Give Me My Birthday Whacks?!? Celebrate My Birthday Week With Me! - 34
VISITING 💋I LOVE TO KISS!!! KISS ME ALLOVER!!!! Call Now!!! 786 382 4751 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Airport area)
!!!!!!WaRnIng dANgErIoUs CUrVeS aHeAd!! sWeEt N sExY bLonde BoMbShElL!!$100 SPECIAL - 23
(Pittsburgh, ccrafton (off 60))
come RELAX with ME..TORI rush/no drama...24 YOUNG clean & TIGHT - 24
(Pittsburgh, PGH/forrest hills area)
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXX XY ★*° - 24
(Airport InCalls/ Outcalls Available)
((NaUgHtY BrUneTTe TeMpTaTiOn)) xXx HoTTeR ThEn YoUr AveRaGe PlaYmAtE xXx ((SPECIALS)) - 22
(♥ Robinson Area ♥)
*+*+*+2 GIRL SPECIAL....Now that's something to be thankful for!!!!!+*+*+* - 23
(Pittsburgh/Outcall ONLY)
Fri 10 Jan
Unrushed + Fun + Teaseing + Playful Time Today.....Avab Noon & AFTER :) - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place:))
N U R U * B O D Y 2 B O DY * S L I D E with Kennedy Visiting (( 1 NIGH T ONLY )) - 27
(Pittsburgh, D O W N T O W N)
I * aM tHe GiRl *aLL GuYs* WaNt AnD I * Got -* ExXxactly * What* You*NeEd - 25
£ate $ specia£s 💋 Come P£ay W/ US ♥ SEXY & FUN ♥IM SEXER IN PERSONix 💗 💏★ Sweet ★ Tasty - 22
Hiring webcam models
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
(¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·´¯) ( T= H= E _ R= O= Y= A=L _ T= R= E= A= T= M= E= N= T ) (¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯) - 22
(Pittsburgh, North Pittsburgh (Butler))
Live Exotic x rated Entertainment .... TO YOUR LOCATION 24/7 - call 412.206.9694 - 19
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA)